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The Real Rug Company has been designing and making rugs for retail and trade customers since 2005. Please get in touch if you have any questions. You will find the answers to most questions here.

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We constantly update our FAQ’s page with information about our rugs and our service. More…


Contact Us

Phone: 01353 771934
or use the live chat on the right. Read more…


About Us

Find out about our team, and a bit of history. Read more…


Shipping and Tracking

Track your rug order and find out about shipping times and rates. Usually FREE and next day. Read more…


Quick Order Page

If you are a regular customer, know exactly what you need or want to order many rugs at once, then order on this page. Read more…


Terms and Conditions

Please read our standard terms and conditions. It is important information and only takes a few minutes. Read more…


Information for Trade Customers

We will be the best supplier you have ever had. Read more…


Bitcoin for Rugs

We accept bitcoin.If it is new to you, then we explain it here. Read more...


Rugs Returns

Don’t worry about returning your rug. We will cover the shipping cost on most orders. Read more...




Our most popular rugs…